The boys wanted to be Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi this year, so I bought some material and went to work. Tony printed a picture of each character for me to go by. It took me one whole day for each costume. I didn't really know what I was doing, so Brayden's pants lasted about 10 minutes at our fall festival before a huge whole showed off his underwear. I brought extra clothes because I knew that would happen. lol. The costumes looked great, though and they loved it.

Brayden Anakin Skywalker - showing off "the force"


Ashton Obi Wan Kenobi

Ashton, ready to fight!

All dressed up and ready to go! Emy is Uniqua from the Backyardigans.

Emy is giving the force while Brayden and Ashton are having a lightsaber duel

Emy loves her pumpkin (nope, we didn't get a chance to carve them yet. Maybe we still will do it even though it's November!)
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