Tuesday, January 13, 2009


As some of you may remember, this is Brayden. When he was this age (about 1 year old), he would often ask for a "Goonda." Being his parents, we knew what it meant, DRINK. We have no idea or any clue where he came up with "Goonda" but we knew he was always talking about his sippy cup.
This morning, before school and breakfast, the boys and Emy started to watch an old Ewoks movie. We have it on DVD. At breakfast, Brayden tells me... "Mom, on the Ewoks movie, Wicket says, "Goonda" for drink so when I was a baby, I spoke EWOK!" I just started laughing... thinking, surely I've GOT to see this! Sure enough, Wicket DOES say GOONDA. I couldn't tell in the movie what the word meant, but it definetly meant drink or food. So, I looked it up on google... you know how George Lucas LOVES to come up with different languages for his movies. So, it was pretty easy to find. GOONDA means food in Ewok.
Now, I ask... how in the world did my little baby know that word and come up with it in the right context?! We didn't even have this movie or watch it until recently.
It's a mystery.... but Brayden sure LOVES the story of Goonda...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG...I love it!! It's probably because Brayden's daddy is a FREAK about Star Wars. Everything Star Wars is embedded in Brayden's DNA.