Thursday, August 9, 2007

First Days of School

Ashton's first day of school (2nd year of Pre-School) was Monday, August 6th - Happy Birthday to HEAT! Anyway, he had a great day. There is a couple boys in his class that aren't very nice to him, poor little guy. So, hopefully that will get better.
Brayden's first day of school (1st Grade) was Tuesday, August 7th. He had a great day, too. He was a little sad b/c it's all day (Kindergarten was all day, too, so he knew how long the day took) and he says he misses me so much. AW! So sad! But, his teacher is great and he really likes her. He says they get to have a celebration on the 100th day of school, so he can't wait for that. He even tells God he can't wait for it when we pray at bedtime. Hilarious.

Tony started his new job at Grace Point this week. He loves it and is very excited about everything that he gets to do. We are, too. We love the church and the people are so great. I'm getting more in touch with ladies my own age and who have kids. It's really awesome!

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