Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Info on Comments

I just I changed my blog setting to welcome everyone's comments, not just blogger users! =) Yipppeee!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Emy and Daphne

Emy loves Daphne so much!

Happy Birthday, Linda!

Happy Birthday, Linda! Here she is at dinner last night with our gifts to her.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Ashton is Spiderman at our house...

Free Day at the Knoxville Zoo - Nov 10th

November 10th - Trip to the Zoo

The Bee Movie - My Personal Review

I took Brayden to watch this last Friday night (then, Tony took Ashton Saturday night - alone dates for each of us). Anyway, can I just tell you all how much I LOVE this movie??? I LOVE Jerry Seinfeld, but I wasn't sure about the movie since I love his show for adults. I checked all the info about any questionable content on Dr. James Dobson's website and everything looked okay to me. I'm so glad we went because I totally loved this movie. It was HILAROUS and extremely educational about Bees and where honey comes from, etc. Brayden LOVES funny things and laughed LOUDLY (I had to keep cupping his mouth b/c he was SOOO loud! lol) at EVERY funny part. I had to agree with him b/c I was cracking up myself. This movie has become a new favorite in our house and Ashton wants a Bee costume. So much so, that he took off all his clothes so Tony could color him (with markers) as Barry, the main Bee. Hilarious. Sooooo, I highly recommend this movie for EVERYONE! It's cute, hilarious and educational. Great job, Jerry Seinfeld!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Ashton's on the Ritz...

This was taken at his school. All the kids got to dress up in tuxedos or fancy dresses. How FUN! Ashton is definetly my most photogenic child. He poses so naturally, it's hilarious! His school pictures are being taken today and I'm curious to see how those turn out. It's always a surprise with him!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Weekend with the Swinehart's

We had a great weekend with the Swinehart's in Charlotte, NC! It was so good to spend some real time with Betty after all these years! Can you believe that it has been over 3 years since we've really spent time together? We have seen eachother maybe once a year for a couple of hours at a time in Cinci but that's basically it. Geez, I think we both agreed that we WON'T let that happen again! Our kids loved playing with eachother - well, I guess you could say our BOYS loved playing with eachother. Emy doesn't really play with other kids her age yet and Avary (Betty's 4 month old daughter) is too little to play with right now so she kind of was in her own world. =) But, my boys were in HEAVEN at their house and loved everything about being there. Brayden wants to move there to be close to them, how sweet! Betty tells me that her boys are asking constantly when they get to come to our house. So cute! Well, I posted TONS of pictures on here so you can check them out whenever you get the chance.

Swinehart Family Collages

Swinehart Collages

Swinehart Family Pictures - Nov. 4th

Nov 4th - Family Portraits

Tyler-Bryce-Dylan Photographs They Took - Nov. 4th

Tyler-Bryce-Dylan Photographs

Fun Times with the Swinehart's - November 2007

Fun Times with the Swineharts

Swinehart Soccer Game Pictures - Nov. 3rd

Nov 3rd Soccer Game

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fun Times

Here's some fun pictures from this past week. Enjoy!

I just had to send this! We were at the celebration service at FBCC for Brayden and Ashton's soccer teams. Brayden sat in the pews with his team and I guess he pulled one of these info cards out and started filling it out. Click on the picture to see it close up. You can see he wrote his name, then he wrote "March 30" vertical (the "3" is backwards) under birthday. Grade, is of course, "1" and then ... hahahaha, under GENDER, he wrote "?" I saw this and Tony and I started laughing to hard we were crying. Yes, true mature parents in a celebration listening to a man trying to tell all these kids it's important to have a relationship with Jesus and here we are, cracking up. Ah, the sweet innocence of children!

Instead of trick or treating, we went to FBCC's fall festival. Here's the boys on this huge blow up fighting thing. There's video of it in the previous posts.

This is Amy and Addison Clark - Amy is the wife of Mickey, our youth pastor on staff with Tony at Grace Point. They have three children, Easton (6), Braydon (4), and Addison (1).

Emy loves riding the PONY!

Emy loves the chicken, too. There's video of this in the previous posts.

We saw Mario and Luigi! The boys were a little upset b/c they have asked soooo many times for us to make them a costume like this. We're still trying. It's coming up with the overalls for Brayden is where we've been stuck. I'm not paying over $20 for them, so it's been a journey that is still going on.

Yesterday, we went to walmart and looked through all the costumes on discount. We found UNIQUA! Her favorite character from The Backyardigans! Emy LOVES it (as you can tell by her HUGE smile) and this is what she will be next year, I'm sure.

Emalyn Grace Holding Chicken at FBC Fall Festival 10/31/07

Brayden and Ashton Fighting at the FBC Fall Festival 10/31/07

Ashton's Last Soccer Game - Goal Clips - 10/27/07

Brayden's Last Soccer Game Clip - He Made a GOAL! Their first WIN of the season! 10/27/07